
【Environmental Protection】Making new products (soap and candles)

Hello, this is Global Bridge Network (GBN)!
Regarding ‘Environmental Protection through Expanding Lemon grass growing and Education in Uganda’, this is the last report of 2nd year of this project.

Display of the steps to follow when making liquid soap

This time, ‘Activity 3.9 Make new products (soap and candles)’ was conducted on Feb 2019. 

This report presents an explanation of what SORAK went through in its attempt to make products that would use lemon grass essential oil as a raw material. The activity took the form of training for SORAK staffs basically on creating two items, namely candle and liquid soap

Material for candle making on display

Ø  SORAK staffs equipped with skills in making of candles and liquid soap and got prepared to commence with these products making in the third year of JFGE funding.
Ø  After the trainings, SORAK staff also trained out of school youths in the making of candles and soap. This took place in Lusalira where SORAK office is located.
Ø  Participants appreciated the usefulness of lemon grass and how it can be used to blend important and useful products.
Ø  The activity prepared SORAK to plan for future revenue generating activities that can keep the organization moving even without future donor support.

You can find the details in the reports below,

Product making and sales using lemon grass essential oil 
will start at the next 3rd project

*This project is supported by Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration (JFGE) and by Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA)