
【Environmental Protection】Expanding lemon grass production and Carryout harvesting and delivery of lemon grass to the distiller

Hello, this is Global Bridge Network (GBN)!
Regarding ‘Environmental Protection through Expanding Lemon grass growing and Education in Uganda’, this is the eighth report of 2nd year of this project.

Off loading newly delivery lemon grass

This time, ‘Activity 3.8: Expanding lemon grass production and carryout harvesting and delivery of 20 tons of lemon grass to the distiller’ was conducted from June 2018 to March 2019. This is a continuous activity that repeatedly required every 60 days during rainy season.

The purpose of this activity is to ensure continuous supply of raw lemon grass for eventual distillation of essential lemon grass oil. It also aims at providing a source of livelihood to lemon grass farmers. This is because the farmers are able to earn some income that is provided by SORAK every time raw lemon grass is harvested from the farmers. It also indirectly contributes to environmental protection. This is because lemon grass provides a grass cover to the soil hence preventing soil erosion which is common on hilly plateau landscapes of the project area.

1.     Arrangement of collecting schedule and informing farmers to harvest.

2.     Hiring a collection truck and a driver.
3.     Mobilization of farmers/make appointments and agree of harvesting date and time.
4.     Travelling to villages to collect lemon grass
5.     Loading and delivering lemon grass to SORAK lemon distiller shade.
6.     Spreading the lemon grass while in shade to wither for 4-7 days before distilling.       

Filling gunny bags to spread the grass for withering

A bulk of delivered lemon grass

Distillation in process, bending after supervising 
the emptying of the distiller pan
1.   Provided an opportunity to farmers to generate income.
2. Motivated farmers to grow lemon grass for income generation and also to help in protecting the soil from agents of soil erosion. More farmers started growing lemon grass as a soil erosion control grass but on a small scale.
3. Production of essential oil from distillation for selling and creating soaps or candles.  SORAK was able to produce 8 liters of oil every time and we harvested 12 tons of raw material every 60 days.

You can find the details in the reports below,

*This project is supported by Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration (JFGE) and by Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA)



【Environmental Protection】Briquette charcoal production and collection of solid waste

Hello, this is Global Bridge Network (GBN)!
Regarding ‘Environmental Protection through Expanding Lemon grass growing and Education in Uganda’, this is the sixth report of 2nd year of this project.

Briquette charcoal 
This time, new activities: ‘Activity 3.6: Establish a briquette charcoal production unit’ and ‘Activity 3.7 Conduct collection of solid waste for briquette production’ were conducted from January 2019.

♪Effective utilization of  wastage of lemon grass♪

It is able to undertake to produce briquette charcoal after learning of the wastage of lemon grass after extraction of oil. Making briquette would also help in achieving sustainable crop waste management. The activity was also intended to make use of lemon grass after extraction of oil as well as other crop waste like maize stalk and other organic domestic waste. This would enable us to achieve sustainable cooking energy which is also essential in saving that trees that are cut in search of wood charcoal and firewood.

Activity 3.6 Establishing briquette charcoal production unit.
1. Conducting a feasibility study to investigate if raw materials for making good briquette were available
2.  Transportation of briquette production machines from Capital city Kampala and its installation.
3. Collection of materials and constructing the briquette charcoal making shade and the briquette charcoal drying rake
4.  Installing parts of the production unit and conducting production tests.
5.  Training staff on the marketing and promotion of briquette charcoal

Activity 3.7 Collecting solid, farm and domestic waste from communities
1.     Mobilization of 20 farmers to accept solid waste provision to our collectors.
2.     Collectors moving to the villages to collect 60 tons of solid waste.
3.     Collectors collecting and dumping waste at our briquette charcoal making factory

Loading Briquette production machine
Preparing the ground for drier construction
Drier construction in Progress

Facilitating the training on marketing of Briquettes

Waste, Maize corns collected 

Organic waste used to produce char

Char being removed from mixer

 trainee studying the Briquette charcoal producing machine 

Ø  Obtained a briquette production and related business training manual
Ø  Created opportunities for youths who are involved in the routine production and sales of briquette to the community and other consumers.
Ø  Introduced monetarization of crop waste that farmers have been just wasting/burning
Ø  More trees will be saved in the future as households would turn to use briquette for cooking instead of using fire wood/ wood charcoal.
Ø  Enough solid waste material for briquette charcoal production was collected and stored for continuous production of briquette charcoal

You can find the details in the reports below,
*This project is supported by Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration (JFGE) and by Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA)


【Environmental Protection】Quarterly review meetings to assess progress and challenges of environmental protection regulations

Hello, this is Global Bridge Network(GBN)! 
Regarding ‘Environmental Protection through Expanding Lemon grass growing and Education in Uganda’, this is the fifth report of 2nd year of this project.

The Village leader emphasizing the importance of environmental protection.

This time, ‘Activity2.
5 Conduct quarterly review meetings to assess progress and challenges of environmental protection regulations adherence and implementation’ were started from June 2018. This quarterly meeting is conducted total 4times.

The quarterly review meetings were intended to assess the following issues;
- Project progress in terms of achievements
- Identification of challenges 
- Devising methods and strategies of overcoming challenges
- Ensuring that all communities, sub counties and district stakeholders are adequately involved in and updated on this project.
- Promoting project ownership by the communities and local government which would promote sustainability even after this project.

The Assistant chief administrative officer, 
talking about the need to protect environment

A Police officer explaining the community members 
about the laws governing environment

SORAK Director presenting achievements at review meeting

Ø  Local leaders agreed to enforce laws and regulations concerning environmental protection.
Ø  School representatives agreed to take on tree planting as a serious and important activity including planting fruit trees as these trees would make their schools environmentally friendly.
Ø  The police gave a stern warning to all leaders and community members to go and inform the general public about the impending surveillance that would include arresting all people who were found encroaching on the environment.
Ø  Leaders asked SORAK to continue providing support in form of review meetings, providing materials for tree planting and lemon grass planting, as these would lead to environmental protection and conservation.
Ø  The Police together with district officers promised to print out copies of environment protection regulations and display them in the community centre. 

You can find the details in the reports below,

*This project is supported by Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration (JFGE) and by Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA)