
【Educational Environment】Special Project: Ashinaga Uganda collaboration with SORAK

At this time, we will report about the special project which was implemented with Ashinaga Uganda in Nov 2018.
Ashinaga arranging the materials used in making reusable pads 

Ashinaga Uganda is an International organization based in Japan with offices in Uganda provides higher (university) education to orphans who have excelled academically but lack funds to complete their university level of education.

SORAK in partnership with Ashinaga conducted school based awareness raising among 32 schools (28 primary schools and 4 secondary schools) on the value of education and MHM with emphasis in making reusable sanitary pads. This collaboration from Ashinaga brought young leaders from 33 different African countries to provide motivational speeches for the rural vulnerable pupils of Mubende district under the Ashinaga’s program of “Community betterment”.

Practical session of reusable sanitary pad making 

Ashinaga requesting pupils to study hard to have a better future
Ashinaga team taking a group photo with pupils

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【Educational Environment】Interactive radio talk shows& air spot messages

This is the second phase of the project on ‘Improvement of school environment to combat Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) challenges to Stop Adolescent Girls’ School Dropouts in Uganda’ supported by funds from the Lush Charity Bank of Lush Japan, Co., Ltd.

At this time, we will report about Activity3-3&3-4Conduct interactive radio talk shows& air spot messages to promote MHM via the use of reusable sanitary pads made by SORAK’ conducted in Oct -Dec 2018.

The objective of the participatory and interactive radio talk show& spot messages is to raise awareness on reusable sanitary pads ‘Happy Pad’ made by SORAK and sensitize the community on proper MHM management and also parents’ roles and responsibilities in promoting MHM among their in-school adolescent girls.

 The radio program moderator 
and SORAK programmes manager and Director

The many telephone calls received from the listener

Spot messages production at Heart FM room

Contents of Radio talk show
      Brief introduction about the project
      Challenges adolescent girls in-school face during their menstruation
      What SORAK with its partners had done so far to address the issue.
      SORAK made reusable sanitary pads and where to find them

Radio Spot message (CM) was for advertising SORAK’s produced reusable sanitary pad ‘Happy Pad’ with ‘Happy Pad’ song made by SORAK
· The radio talk shows reached the project targeted population plus reaching far wider geographical areas.
· The 5 Spot messages per day playing on Heart FM informed the communities of the SORAK made reusable sanitary pads and SORAK received many orders for ‘Happy Pad’
·    Listeners were informed of their roles and responsibilities in promoting MHM among their adolescent in-school girls.
·  Received questions from callers and a feedback was given to the listeners included; opening branches in different district, becoming sales agents (Sales agents are representatives who sale commodities or products on behalf of a company or an organization) of SORAK made sanitary pads, and where to find them.

Click on the following link to view the report on

*This project is supported by Lush Japan Co., Ltd.


【Educational Environment】Facilitating Sex Education session by MHM peer club

This is the second phase of the project on ‘Improvement of school environment to combat Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) challenges to Stop Adolescent Girls’ School Dropouts in Uganda’ supported by funds from the Lush Charity Bank of Lush Japan, Co., Ltd.

A club member explaining on sex education to fellow pupils

At this time, we will report about Activity 2-2-3 ‘Facilitating Sex Education session by MHM peer club’ conducted in November 2018.

Three MHM clubs (8girls&4boys) were formed from 3 target schools. The purpose of these clubs was to spearhead Menstruation Hygiene Management (MHM), gender awareness and sex education by reaching out to fellow students through the child-child approach. Last time, The MHM clubs conducted MHM session (one session in each of the three schools) toward their school pupils. This time, they conducted Sex Education session, and the club members informed their peers on physical changes between boys and girls, as well as helped to built their capacities, especially for girls, to defend themselves from issues of sexual exploitation and harassment

Sex education session going on by the club

Sex education training by the club

Pupils responding questions raised above

Pupils participating the session  conducted by the club

      Understanding reproductive health and sexuality issues
      Understanding puberty
      Early sexual intercourse and dangers associated with it
      Examples of cunning words that boys and sugar daddies use
      Forms of sexual violence
      Where to report sex abuse and harassment
      Value of education

Ø  Pupils understood the body changes such as physical growth that occur in both boys and girls.
Ø  Pupils knew some of danger for a person being exposed in early sexual intercourse including death, unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDS, and STIs (sexually transmitted infections), dropping out of school etc.
Ø  Pupils were informed on some of major forms of sexual harassments that mostly occur include; molestation, rape, defilement, early and forced marriages etc.
Ø  Pupils are able to report some sexual violence to relevant responsible authorities. They can now mention places where they repot sexual abuse and to whom they report including police, leaders including political, religious, technical and other opinion leaders, schools, elders, relatives among others.
Ø  Pupils understood the value of education and the purpose of staying in school. 

Lastly, through this activity, we believe the long-term impact will be the decrease in school dropout. 

Click on the following link to view the report on

*This project is supported by Lush Japan Co., Ltd.