
The LUSH charity bank will support our 2nd project!!

Hello, this is Global Bridge Network!

LUSH Charity Bank

We are so HAPPY to announce 
that we are now able to start our 2nd project on

‘Improvement of school environment to combat Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) challenges to Stop Adolescent GirlsSchool Dropouts in Uganda’ 

supported by a fund from Lush Charity Bank of Lush Japan.
We truly appreciate their continual support!

Training on Menstruation Sanitary Pad Making on the first project
Menstruation Sanitary pad made by a girl on the first project

Discussion about menstruation and hygiene management on the first project

In our first project, we conducted activities such as reusable sanitary pad making, session on Menstruation Hygiene Management (MHM), Sex education, and Gender awareness etc. 

We tried to involve not only girls but also boys, teachers, and parents. 

Boys attentively listening to the gender awareness session on our first project

Thus, the great impacts found were reducing boys from teasing girls and improving school support for girls by providing private space and encouraging students regarding MHM and Gender awareness. 

In addition to that, parents now openly discuss about menstruation with girls and many girls have got proper knowledge concerning MHM.  

Facilitator conducting Q&A session on Menstruation Hygiene Management

Regarding the 2nd project, we will establish a framework to sustain our first project by establishing MHM Peer clubs to conduct Child-child MHM training (students who received training in the1st project will this time act as the trainers to conduct the training), gender awareness and sex education. 

To also mobilize the community on providing support among vulnerable rural adolescent girls who find it hard to access factory made sanitary pads and missing schools. 

In addition, supply chain of sanitary pads will expand to the communities around the project area with affordable prices so that many girls are able to go to school during their time of periods.

Therefore, we are looking forward to improving girls’ educational environment and make their life better through collaboration with our partner NGO, SORAK.

Thank you so much for your support and cooperation!

*This project is supported by Lush Japan Co., Ltd.

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