The monitoring committee together with SORAK team during the meeting |
<Progress of each activity>
1.1 A community-based
radio communication system established with ability to relay information and
messages via megaphones/loudspeakers to the entire training Centre
GBN team visited Luna FM studios on
3/08/2022 in Kibalinga sub county as monitoring.
Thirty (30) minutes’
environmental education talks conducted for 10 months
In respect to the above activity, 3 megaphone talk shows were conducted by the monitoring team and the Director from 13/07/2022 to 15/07/2022 which would run for 30 minutes at Voice of Lusalira megaphone and one small megaphone which would be used for massive sensitization too. These were intended to create awareness about the use of the garbage containers and their availability. Also, to inform the community about the launching of the garbage containers which took place on the 16/07/ 2022.
Activity 1.3 An environmental education and awareness
raising jingle/spot message aired 5 times a day
Airing of spot messages on Luna Fm radio
in Kibalinga to create awareness about proper garbage management in the
community thus improving sanitation and hygiene. These messages are aired 5
times a day to ensure that people acquire basic information about garbage.
Fellow Ugandans, did you know that poor garbage disposal negatively affects both an individual and the entire community in households and in the community. Poor garbage disposal can cause dangerous diseases like Cholera and Diarrhea that are harmful to our lives. Burning of garbage anyhow can lead to environmental degradation. Therefore, SORAK has come out to provide support by engaging in sensitization of community members about proper garbage management, through providing containers where garbage will be disposed, a vehicle that will collect garbage to the collection points, sorting and recycling of garbage aimed to keep the environment clean Therefore, it is advised that we work together in this call to improve sanitation and hygiene in Lusalira community. This message is brought to you by SORAK
together with Global Bridge Network-Japan |
Activity 2.1 Ten
(10) garbage containers/skips procured and stationed at 5 different places to
encourage and support garbage sorting and safe disposal.
The garbage containers (10) were launched and
stationed at 5 different places on 16/07/2022. Local leaders, the monitoring
committee together with SORAK team stationed the garbage containers as they
sensitized the community about their use. 2 containers including one for
garbage that decomposes and another for garbage that doesn’t decompose were
placed at each station for garbage disposal. Monitoring to ensure garbage
sorting is still ongoing, but after its success SORAK together with volunteers will
proceed to Garbage processing into manure.
GBN Monitoring
Visit of the 10 garbage containers stationed at the different 5 places.
3/08/2022, GBN team visited the different points where the garbage containers
are stationed. This was to confirm if the containers had been stationed in the
respective points. There after they had a movie editor’s interview regarding
what they had found out during the monitoring exercise.
Activity 3.1 A community based environmental
protection monitoring group established and it is active in monitoring safe
garbage disposal in Lusalira trading Centre
On 12/07/2022, a meeting for the launch of the garbage
containers was held at SORAK Offices with the monitoring group. The purpose of
the meeting was to discuss on matters concerning proper garbage disposal,
making necessary preparations for the launch including massive sensitization of
community members on safe garbage disposal.
Reactions from the meeting;
The Chairman LC 1 advised the committee to work hand in
hand with the community leaders for the betterment of the project.
Members requested for more containers claiming that 10
cannot accommodate the entire community.
The Environmental Officer advised fellow members to
utilize the available containers.
Members suggested that they should engage in the 3 days
sensitization of the community about proper use of garbage containers.
Suggested putting holes in the garbage containers to prevent
them from being stolen.
Activity 3.2 Safe garbage disposal by-laws
passed and enforced.
Visited Subcounty leadership and
hear about trash project by laws and impact of the project
GBN team visited Kibalinga Sub-County Hall on 3/08/2022 in order to assess the impact of the project activities from the local leaders. They held a meeting with the sub-county leadership which involved generating feedback from the leaders regarding the project and come up with a way forward on how the project activities shall be sustained.
All the called
upon monitoring committee members turned up for the meeting of the preparation
for the launch of the garbage containers and appreciated the idea of cleaning
the community, they also promised to work hand in hand with SORAK.
Leaders were
willing to share the impact of the project. This was observed during the
monitoring visit at Kibalinga subcounty hall by the GBN team to hear about the
impact of the project from the leaders and the monitoring committee members.
appreciated the efforts made by SORAK and GBN to improve the sanitation and
hygiene in Lusalira trading center and shared his experience about sanitation
during the meeting for the launch of the garbage containers.
The community
members and the leaders appreciated the GBN visit to Mubende and thanked them
for the wonderful support towards their community.
<Challenges faced during conducting of
Mismanagement of garbage containers
whereby community members were advised to sort garbage and put the ones that
decompose like food peelings in one container and the ones that don’t decompose
like plastic bottles in a different container. They have failed in a way they
mix garbage which makes it for people who picks it to be taken to the
collection points but more sensitizations are ongoing to create awareness on
the importance of garbage sorting.
Too much expectations from the community
and the local leaders as they were requested for more trash containers claiming
that the ones provided are too small and few to accommodate the community but
the GBN Director advised them to make use of the ones available which they are
· Limited
time during GBN visit to the radio studio in Kibalinga. The team visited Luna
FM studios but did not make a speech regarding proper garbage management.
· It was
learnt that the monitoring committee, community members and most local leaders
appreciated GBN through SORAK to keep up the spirit of bringing such wonderful
projects that improve the wellbeing of the community.
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