
【Environmental Protection】Activity Report2022 Mar-Apr Promoting clean environment through environmental education and garbage collection 

The sub county technical team discussing about the by-laws presented by the community members for improvements and additions by the council on 5th/05/2022 then to be passed

<Progress of each activity>

Activity 1.1 A community-based radio communication system established with ability to relay information and messages via megaphones/loudspeakers to the entire training Centre

For every community system, an individual or organization is supposed to get permission from the government of Uganda which SORAK applied for and successfully got permission to run a radio. A radio station was preferred in this case because it covers a wide range of areas yet it’s sound tends to be clearer compared to that of megaphones. A radio tower was installed at the site on 25th/March/2022. By end of May 2022, materials and other necessary equipment will be procured for the radio to start operating. At the moment, SORAK is therefore using the existing megaphone community radio called the voice of Lusalira to create awareness about proper garbage management.


Radio Tower installed at the site where the radio will be set up


Activity 1.1.2 Rehabilitation of a house where the radio will be set up

A well proofed house where to set up a radio is being rehabilitated and it’s based in Kibalinga sub-county which was seen as the best location for the establishment of the radio system. This activity is still ongoing, it will be completed and the radio will be starting to operate by end of May 2022.


Inside part of the radio house   left: during maintenance right: After painting 

Outside part of the radio house  left: during maintenance right: After painting

Activity 1.2 Thirty (30) minutes’ environmental education talks conducted for 10 months

In respect to the above activity SORAK has conducted three talk shows on existing megaphone in Lusalira trading Centre attended by the Director, Project Manager, Project Officer and the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. One talk show was conducted on the 9th Mar. 2022 and the other two talk shows were conducted on 2nd/April and 12th/April/2022. These were intended to create awareness about proper garbage collection in the Community. The team sensitized the community about the different types of garbage that is; Organic garbage the one that decomposes like food peelings, liquid waste that is basically dirty water, harmful waste like broken bottles, solid waste that does not decompose like pampers. Also talked about garbage sorting and recycling of garbage during the talk shows.

Project Staff creating awareness about proper garbage management at the talk show using Voice of Lusalira Megaphone

Activity 1.3 An environmental education and awareness raising jingle/spot message aired 5 times a day

Megaphone spot messages were aired to mobilize people to attend the garbage meeting. Spot messages were played 5 times a day using Voice of Lusalira Megaphone from 25th/April-28th/April/2022. This was aimed at mobilizing community members to attend the community voluntary cleaning and community meeting on 28th/April/2022. The Monitoring team also gave a hand in this activity by engaging in one-on-one mobilization of people to attend the meeting for the date above.


<Spot Messages>

  Fellow Ugandans, did you know that poor garbage disposal negatively affects both an

 individual and the entire community both in households and in the community. Poor garbage disposal can cause dangerous diseases like Cholera and Diarrhea that are harmful to our lives. Burning of garbage anyhow can lead to environmental degradation.

 SORAK has come out to provide support by engaging in voluntary community cleaning and calling upon all the community members of Lusalira to participate in this activity and will conduct a meeting to discuss and formulate by laws for proper garbage management

 Therefore, it is advised that everyone participates in this activity that is due on 28th/April/2022 in Lusalira Trading Center to keep the environment clean

 This message is brought to you by SORAK together with Global Bridge Network-Japan


Activity 2.1 Ten (10) garbage containers/skips procured and stationed at 5 different places to encourage and support garbage sorting and safe disposal.

The containers were ordered and soon will be placed in the different selected places


Activity 3.1 A community based environmental protection monitoring group established and it is active in monitoring and reporting safe garbage disposal and sorting in Lusalira trading Centre.

SORAK team together with the Kibalinga sub county chief and the local leaders engaged in community monitoring to evaluate the progress of the talk shows to sensitize community members on proper garbage disposal and management. It was found out that the talk shows created a big impact in the community in that even before the arrival of garbage collecting containers, the community members are disposing garbage in sacks with the help of the monitoring committee that work hand in hand with SORAK and the vehicle picks it to the collection points.

Community members nolonger dispose garbage anyhow but rather collect garbage and dispose it in sacks where the vehicle picks it and takes it to the collection point

Activity 3.2 Safe garbage disposal by-laws are made and enforced.

On 25th/April/ 2022, the Director together with the Project Officer conducted a planning meeting at the sub county Headquarters with the sub county Chief to agree on the dates of the meeting to discuss the by-laws with the community members and other local leaders in the community. The sub county Chief suggested the meeting to be scheduled on 28th/April/2022.

The sub county Chief, Director SORAK and the LC3 Chairperson during the planning meeting at the sub county

On 28th/April/2022, SORAK team conducted a meeting with the Community members and the sub county chief together with the sub county technical team to discuss and formulate by-laws for proper garbage management. SORAK staff, the sub county and the technical team first conducted a meeting with community members from within the community to get their ideas and later sat to discuss the suggestions from the members.  By-laws for garbage were discussed and formulated which would be presented to the council on 5th/May/2022 to be passed as shown in the minutes of the meeting in the progress of the activities below.


Sub county chief with SORAK staff in a meeting with some of the community members discussing and formulating by-laws for proper garbage management



·         Garbage containers/skips procured and stationed at different places to encourage and support garbage sorting and safe disposal.

·         An environmental education and awareness raising jingle/spot message aired 5 times a day during the project period

·         Final passing of the by-laws for proper garbage management on 5th/05/2022


<Positive influences/ Changes>

·         The listeners during the talk shows were impressed because many didn’t know the different types of garbage and were ignorant about garbage sorting and recycling. This was evidenced by the calls they made thanking the project team for such wonderful information about garbage

·         Community members of Kibalinga sub county were happy for choosing their sub county as the location where the community radio system will be set up

·         Community members were so glad to be involved in the discussion and formulation of by laws for proper garbage management

·         The sub county Chief together with the technical committee, local leaders, community members thanked GBN and SORAK for such important project in their area

·         Some Local leaders from Kibalinga sub county requested GBN and SORAK to extend such a wonderful project to their areas

·         Community members no longer dispose garbage any how like before, they collect it from sacks which the vehicle picks to the collection point


<Challenges faced during the conduct of March and April activities >

·        Too much expectations from the community members who think that SORAK will provide garbage containers to each house holds

·        Delays in getting feedback on the necessary requirements for operating a community radio

·        Delays in the council seating which hinders implementation of project work but the project team is hopeful that soon the seating will help to consider the project activities especially concerning making of by-laws or at least regulations

·        Some local leaders expected SORAK to provide money for containers to them to procure the containers and do the accountability for the project

·        Some members were against some by-laws proposed by their colleagues which led to wastage of time explaining to them the impact of the laws

·        Some local leaders and the community members were not cooperative hence some didn’t turn up for the meeting


<Lessons Learnt>

1-     It was learnt that community members expect a lot from SORAK as an Organization instead of appreciating the available support being provided by SORAK and make proper use of it

2-     It was learnt that such projects are so crucial in the community in that other community’s yarn to get them

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*This project is is supported by the fund form TAISEI CORPORATION

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