
Report on “Sub County based dialogue meetings on overcoming environmental degradation”

Hello, this is Global Bridge Network (GBN)!

This time, we are going to report on ‘Environmental Protection through Expanding Lemon grass growing and Education in Uganda’.

GBN’s partner, SORAK was able to conduct four Sub County based dialogue meetings with Sub county leaders on challenges and ways of overcoming environmental degradation from Sep 2nd, 2017 to Sep 9th, 2017.

At these dialogue meetings, participants discussed challenges and possible ways of overcoming environmental degradation.

The dialogue meetings were attended by a total of 200 participants from Kibalinga, Nabingoola, Kigando and Kasambya sub-counties. Each dialogue meeting was attended by a number of 50 participants.
Sub county local leader gives a brief understanding of lemon grass
The purpose of the training is as follows;
1. The importance of lemongrass growing as a measure to environmental conservation
2. The need for sub county involvement in environmental protection and their maximum efforts to environmental conservation approaches like lemon grass growing.

Participants were explained that lemon grass growing can help protect the soils from erosion. Besides, sub-county leaders were encouraged to put in place the environmental protection policies enforced by the district and to involve their communities in lemongrass growing in order to protect the environment from degradation and as well improve on their livelihood.

After this dialogue meeting, one of the participants mentioned as follows;

“We thank Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency for supporting the dialogue that has opened our eyes on how to overcome environmental degradation by practicing lemon grass growing”.

Sub county local focal person discussing major environmental concerns during the dialogue meeting at Kasambya sub county

Please review the details in the reports below,
4.Report on dialogue meeting with sub-county

We believe that the environmental protection policies will be enforced by the sub-county and the efforts to environmental protection will expand to sub-counties through telling its importance together with lemon grass growing to sub-county officials.

Thank you so much and see you soon!

*This project is supported by Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration (JFGE) and by Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA)

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